
Learn to open your creativity, enthusiasm and motivation. Strengthen your ability to communicate by photography - and make better compositions. Discover what hinders you and what opens you. Suits everyone - from beginners to professionals; You will be met where you are. It is a workshop full of inspiration and about really awakening your potential as a photographer. 

Time: Pending
Place: Studio Robert Sannes - 40 min from Oslo
Price: 3800 NOK



One week or !O Days

We will go deep into the human design and potential, by lectures, photographic challenges and thorough feedback / analysis of your work. You will learn effective and proven methods to open your creativity and intuition - that can be used for the rest of your life as a photographer and as a human being. The workshop is held in Italy on Bali and in Norway. Click for more information.

Time: Pending
Place: Italy or Bali
Price: 12800 NOK



5 weeks

In a 5 week period we meet every Wednesday evening to get the methods from Level II into a habitual action. It will make your creativity and abilities as a photographer to really expand. Such a period is valuable nourishment and a boost to your development in photography. The period comes with lots of additional material, lectures and inspiration in an environment of enthusiastic people.

Time: Pending
Place: Studio Robert Sannes - 40 min from Oslo
Price: 4800 NOK



3 moths

The Mentorprogram will support you through a three month period by thorough and excellent material collected and developed through a lifetime by Robert Sannes. It is all about to prosper and open into our deep potential of awareness  - as to develop our core abilities to SEE, transcend and transform as photographers and human beings. Photography is an excellent tool to express, mirror and communicate within this life-changing quest and process.

Time: 23/24 Sept + Wednesdays till Des 6th
Place: Studio Robert Sannes - 40 min from Oslo
Price: 9800 NOK



Occasionally there will be different themes chosen into our Theme Workshops. It can be about meditation, intuition, consciousness and more. Stay tuned or be enlisted below to get first hand information sendt directly to you about the workshops when they open for registration.

Time: Pending
Place: Studio Robert Sannes - 40 min from Oslo
Price: Pending



Every now and then we will go travelling with the journey itself our theme. Each place has its Genius Loci and culture to explore. As well the group will make the dynamics of exploration with mutual inspirations, discussions ant joy of photographic work. Seeing is becoming. Welcome. 

Time: Pending
Place: Studio Robert Sannes - 40 min from Oslo
Price: Pending