Robert Sannes
Born 1964 - London
Living near Oslo - Norway and Ubud - Bali
main work
2016 - now Founder / CEO of Y-Initiative NGO - Organisation for art, inspiration and development
2012 - 16 Founder / CEO of Inspiritad - Organisation for art, inspiration and development
2010 - now Writer Exploring the human design and potential. Themes: Consciousness & Creativity
2005 - now Leader of Workshops Photography - Creativity - Consciousness - Meditation. In Norway, Italy and Bali
2005 - 22 Teacher in Visual Communication / Creativity at BNSOP - Bilder Nordic School of Photography
2004 - now Artist - Fine Art Photography
2002 - 05 Photographer combined with the work of architecture
2000 - 01 Architect of a new Hurtigrute "MS Finnmarken" Freelance at Arne Johansen Architects
1997 - 1999 Designer of ships Yran & Storbraaten Architects, Norway
1996 - 1997 Architect Freelance at Sigmundur Johnsson Architects
1995 - 1996 Architect Freelance at BA Architects
1994 - 2005 Architect Robert Sannes MNAL CEO
studies & Schools of relevance
Master of Architecture at NTH - The Norwegian Institute of Technology - 1994
Diploma theme NTH - Ecology, Ecosophy and Architecture
Photography - Autodidact studies / individual courses from 1982 till now
Ecology & Sustainability - half year course in Norway - 1992
DAK/DAP Computer Science - OIH Oslo Ingeniørhøyskole, 1 semester - 1991
Art & Communication - Berlin - EASA European Architecture Student Assembly - 1990
Contemplation & Architecture - Japan, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway (NTH) - 1990
Sculpture & Art - Carrara, Italiy - by HDK - Hochschule Der Kunste, Berlin - 1989
Drawing & Philosophy - The Norwegian Institute in Rome - 1988 + 1989
Theory, Art & Architecture - Norwegian representative at UTOPICA Foundation (Sophia and Budapest) - 1987
Pararanger - in the Norwegian army - Fallskjermjegerkommandoen HJK 1984-85
Exchange student - at Benton Central High School - Indiana, USA 1982
Videregående Skole - Oppegård / Ullern - 1984
Selected awards
1999 Photographer Of The Year - Fotografi Magazine Norway
2000 Gold Prize i Utsnitt - NRF Norway
2004 Winner of "Debutantprisen 2004" - Interfoto og Bølgen & Moi
2006 Gold prize 2006 «Gullsnitt» in the three classes of participation
2006 Winner of Grand Prix i «Gullsnitt 2006»
Selected Exhibitions
2022 Haugtun kultursenter - Selected works
2015 Bærum Kulturhus - Selected works - Transmute
2013 Høstutstillingen - Galleri Beitostølen - Selected works
2012 Studio Robert Sannes - Nærsnes - Selected works
2011 Høstutstillingen - Galleri Beitostølen - Selected works
2010 Bærum - ”Seventh Lane” - Ellen-K, 7 art performers. Pop-up Gallery.
2009 Oslo - Studio Sannes - Sepparatutstilling i eget studio, Fredensborgveien 11.
2008 Bærum Kulturhus - Sepparatutstilling i regi av Ellen-K.
2008 Studio Robert Sannes - Selected works at Westerdal locations, Oslo)
2007 Galleri Galtung - Oslo - Introduced by Morten Krogvold. Frogner.
2007 Galleri G - Bærum - Selected works
2007 Bølgen & Moi- Oslo - Samleutstilling fra tidligere debutantutstillere
2006 Galleri Steen - Oslo - Retroperspektiv
2006 Galleri Odonata Oslo - Cafegalleri på fornebu
2005 Bølgen & Moi - Bergen - Fotokunst, Bølgen & Moi. Åpner 20.januar.
2004 Bølgen & Moi - Oslo - Debutantutstilling. Sponset av B&M og Interfoto AS.
1996 Stavern - Krutthuset Photo / multimedia. Theme: Svalbard - Light & Landscape
1989 Italia - Outdoor exhibition - Carrara Sculpture. Regi: HDK - Hochschule Der Kunste, Berlin
1988 Berlin - Kongresshalle - Paintings. Regi: EASA - European Architecture Student Assemble
Selected orders of photographic work
Sisco Systems AS
Eurosko AS
Gamma Group AS
Bjørknes AS
Westerdahl AS
Examples of selected orders customised / integrated for specific locations
Magasinet Fotografi
KIN - Kommuner i Norge